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Warner Coin Billiards Tournament 2020

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The Warner Coin pool tournament ranks 4th in terms of 8-ball pool events. The event is scheduled for May 2-6. You can expect plenty of practice tables as well as other fun activities such the Suds 'n Spouds party that night. For those of you looking to take your game to the next level, consider entering the World Pool Championship, a five-day tournament with a $325,000 prize purse.

It's not often you get the chance to experience a pool tourney in a world-class facility. The event is both a friendly and fun way to explore the area as well as promoting good sports. You'll be treated to two free beers on arrival, plus plenty of food and drink options to keep your palate happy. There will be over 1,600 shooters participating in the different event sizes. You can also participate in a dart tournament or a miniature golf tournament that is similar to a mini-golf course at a theme park.

The tournament hosts some of the best professional players in the country, along with the usual suspects. In fact, this year's field of competitors has expanded by at least one stud - the pool olympics - and features a whopping 16 teams. You get a few perks by being a member the aforementioned league. These include the access to the suds ‘n spuds parties and the chance to compete in WPC, a five day pool tournament with a match-winning prize. You'll also have access to the billiards hall, which offers a variety of top-notch amenities. The final piece of the fun, as usual, is taking home the trophy that you have always wanted. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner, the aforementioned WPC is a must-see on your bucket list.


Warner Coin Billiards Tournament 2020