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The Rules of Dodgeball

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Dodgeball's rules are simple and easy-to-learn. For instance, players need to protect themselves against direct headshots. Players must also be aware of dead balls. These rules are enforced by a referee. The game ends when a player is eliminated. This game was originally played in gyms or camps. There are rules that must be adhered to in competitive games but dodgeball is an easy game that can be played wherever there is internet access. You can choose to line up players or create teams.

Protect yourself from headshots

To prevent a player receiving a headshot directly, they need to take evasive action to stop the shot. Direct headshots are those where the ball strikes a player directly in the head, with no other contact. The ball must have not touched anything before hitting the head of the player. The ball can also deflect off their bodies or hands before hitting the head. At the time of hitting, the player must be standing straight. Headshots are automatically negated if the player moves out of their normal position.

Dodgeball requires players to protect themselves from headshots. It is considered a "dead ball" if the ball leaves the throwing hand and hits a player directly in the head. A direct headshot taken by a player while standing upright is considered safe. However, a player can be hit in their head while standing upright and will be called.

Dead balls

Dead balls are balls not being used in a game. They are used to ensure that players don't receive multiple hits from the same object. A dodgeball game is played in a small area with two sides and a centerline. The game is primarily self refereed and governed under honour rules. There are four referees who are stationed at either end of the centerline. The referees will count the number of players who have the ball, as well as confirm hits. Each team starts with only one ball. Two balls are placed at the center of the court. Each team has five seconds to release a ball.

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When a team throws a dodge ball, it will be considered a "dead ball" if it crosses over the boundary line. This means that the player stepping on the border line of the opposing team's team is out. If a player steps on the boundary of another team's line, they are out.

Unsportsmanlike conduct

Participants must observe certain rules for dodgeball. Participants must wear a shirt or shorts without any sharp metal parts, and they must not wear any jewelry during the game. A referee is required to be present throughout the game in order to keep the game going and to ensure that players are safe. Referees also have the responsibility of deciding on contested play. Referees' decisions are final and can not be appealed. The referees will warn players if they are found to be violating the rules. Depending on the severity of the violation, the referee can call a technical foul.

Participants who engage in dangerous throwing behaviors will be disqualified from the game. These players will be warned by a referee and the ball handed to the opposing team. A dangerous throw is any throw that is high and near the head of an opposing player. This offense will result in a player being ejected from the match and will prevent him/her from participating in any other games.

Overtime rules

Dodgeball is a game in which players try to catch a live football before it touches the ground. It is important that players stay within the designated court area. Any player who steps outside the bounds of the court will be expelled from the game. Players can also be kicked out if they touch the ground beyond the center line or attempt to kick the dodgeball. If the game ends in an even draw, overtime can be used to decide the winner.

Each team can only retrieve three (3) balls right of the center hashi. Before legal throwing, they must be in line with their attack line. Teams have a time limit of three minutes for overtime. The winning team will have the most players.

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Neutral zone

The neutral area in dodgeball is the area just beyond the court's middle line. This area is where players can walk or hit, but they will be out of the game if they cross it. Several offensive and defensive strategies can be used to attack the opponent from inside the neutral zone, but players must avoid getting hit or touched.

Two teams of six are required to play the game. The teams own the balls on either side. The ball with the largest number of balls must be surrendered by the winning team within 10 seconds. Both teams have two ball retrievers to collect off-court balls. Ball retrievers are sent off for interfering with the other team's balls or stepping into the neutral zone.

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The Rules of Dodgeball