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How to play Bocce Ball Indoors


To learn how to play bocceball, you need to understand the basic rules. Two or more people can play the game. You will need eight balls, which are available in various colors, sizes and patterns. There are several tournaments and regulations. It is important to take the time to learn them before you begin playing.

After you have divided the team into two groups, you will throw the first ball. Your opponent can hit your ball to knock it out of court. You lose the round if your ball is struck by another team's ball. At the end of the round, the team that has the most "inside" balls wins.

You will need to locate a suitable bocce area before you can play the game. You can use grass or sand, but make sure it is level. The sand should not be too soft or rough. This will make it difficult to roll the balls. It is also important to be able to throw the jack in the right position.

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Eight balls are required for bocce ball play. Each ball can have a diameter between 74mm and110mm. These balls can be made solid or filled up with water. They come in different colors, which makes it easier to distinguish between sets. There are many patterns available for Bocce balls. For example, the white ball is usually called a "rabbit" while the other balls are named "piglet" or "duck".

Bocce ball games aim to get the ball closer to the pallino. It is worth two points every time a bocceball touches the pallino. In addition, you can also knock away your opponent's balls. This will keep the game interesting. Be careful when throwing the bocceball.

To win the game, your team must have twelve points. This means that each team must have eight balls. One to four balls can be kept by the other team. When they have scored twelve points, the game is over.

The next player will try to get their ball closer to the pallino than the previous player. If they succeed, then it's their chance to throw the Jack. They will be given another chance if they fail.

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A dead ball means that the game will continue even if your team is ahead. The opposing team will have the task of going around the pallino to get it back to the foul line. Another way to do this is by throwing the raffa. This will allow you to add backspin on the bocceball.

Your bocce team can include up to eight people, depending on the rules. You can add a few players to help you play if you have a smaller team.

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How to play Bocce Ball Indoors