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How to make Bank Shots in the Pool

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Bank shots require some finesse in order to be successful. Remembering how the ball hit the wall and the correct angle to get it into the pocket is key. This involves more than just knowing the stroke. It also requires that you use the right diamond to do the job. A bank shot can be used for securing a pool ball or it can be used as a recovery play. It can also be used for splitting cross-pocket lines.

It is not difficult to make a bank shot, but it doesn't have to be. There are many factors to consider. Variations in speed, spin, angle, and speed can help you fine tune your bank shot. You can practice your bank shot with a friend, professional, or if it is difficult to make one.

There is no perfect bank shot. Every player is unique, so every bank shot will be different. However, there are some basics that every player should know. The best way to increase your chances of winning is to make the right bank shot. The process is easy as it sounds.

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A pool ball can be banked by using the spin of the cueball to increase the angle. By doing so, the ball will have a more direct path on the rail. In addition, the proper spin will improve accuracy. You'll be able see the impact of the ball's trajectory on the rail as it bounces off.

Another way to optimize a bank shot is to employ the "gear effect," the ability of the object ball to rotate about the center of gravity. This can be achieved by using a small amount of friction.

The proper use of the gear effect can be found in many situations, but the most obvious use is to adjust the angle of the rail. Because the angle of the rail is short, this is particularly noticeable when the ball is near it. The right angle will allow you to pocket the object balls without fouling.

Kick shots are also common and can be used in the side pocket. The same applies to lag shots, which can be used when an object ball is too far away or difficult to see. Lag shots come in handy when the objectball is located where the line or sight isn't possible.

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The reverse-cut bank shot, which is one of most difficult bank shots, is also one of my favorites. The reverse-cut bank shot is basically a thinner cut of the object ball to compensate for the left hand transfer. Also, if the object ball is too far away from the rail, you'll have to make a more drastic angle.


How to make Bank Shots in the Pool